Upcoming MBC special 50th anniversary drama Light and Shadow has had drama veteran Ahn Jae-wook‘s name attached as the leading man for some time. Now he’s confirmed for the lead, and joining him is… Son Dambi? I thought at first they were paired together as leads which would be So. Strange. But it looks like she’s confirmed for the second lead. Ahhhhh… all is right with the world. It’s not so much the twelve-year age gap (that, I can stomach) but the…uh… acting gap that had me confused. But hey, I guess we’ve seen weirder pairings work before.
Kim Min-jong (Athena) and Nam Sang-mi (Life Is Beautiful) are the two stars in consideration for the other two leading roles, which makes a whole helluva lot more sense. So basically it goes: Nam Sang-mi is the leading lady in a love triangle with Ahn Jae-wook and Kim Min-jong, and Son Dambi has a crush on Ahn Jae-wook. That is, if Nam and Kim sign on. I certainly hope so, since I love them both, and wouldn’t really watch unless they joined the cast. And basically, with Ahn Jae-wook and Kim Min-jong facing off over a girl, we’d be in 90s drama heaven.
The story takes place from 1960 to the present, so it’s a large-scale epic about the life and career of an entertainer, played by Ahn Jae-wook. He debuts on a stage in front of American troops stationed in Korea, and it follows his path through the decades, with Korea’s modern history as a backdrop. Son Dambi is slated to play a senator’s daughter who falls in love with Ahn Jae-wook’s character. It’s all so vague, but what I’m guessing is that the drama’s more about the history, and less about the characters.
Light and Shadow will be helmed by the team behind Jumong, PD Lee Joo-hwan and writer Choi Ahn-kyu, and premieres in November on MBC, following Kye Baek.